Betting ranking

In our betting ranking, players are ranked by how profitable it was to bet on them in a certain period of time. The number next to the player's name shows his/her profit or loss on the assumption that we have placed a bet on every single match. The stake is always 100 units if the player is a favourite/even, 50 units if the player is an outsider.

Year:    Ranking:    Time range:
Rank Player name Profit / loss Matches Fav. / out.
4201. Tichackova Eliska -100 2 0 / 2
4202. Gatti Versace -100 2 0 / 2
4203. Oliveira Maria Luisa -100 2 0 / 2
4204. Sonton Hana -100 2 0 / 2
4205. Dennehy Sahra -100 1 1 / 0
4206. Godoy Felipe -100 1 1 / 0
4207. Kubo Kyoka -100 1 1 / 0
4208. Medora Kamea -100 1 1 / 0
4209. Adel Malak Ahmed -100 2 0 / 2
4210. De Stefano Samira -100 2 0 / 2
4211. Yashchenko Anastasia -100 1 1 / 0
4212. Singh Saniya -100 2 0 / 2
4213. Espinal Plaza Rocio Lisette -100 2 0 / 2
4214. Teodoro Cordeiro Peixoto De Souza Daniela -100 1 1 / 0
4215. Farhat Salma -100 2 0 / 2
4216. Martinez Makenna -100 2 0 / 2
4217. Murphy Hailey -100 2 0 / 2
4218. Freeman Piper -100 2 0 / 2
4219. Bohlen Luca Sophie -100 1 1 / 0
4220. Nakashima Bryce Nakashima -100 2 0 / 2
4221. Chen Zi Hui -100 2 0 / 2
4222. Casco Vely Emanuel Fernando -100 1 1 / 0
4223. Nunez Vera Alex Santino -100 1 1 / 0
4224. Olff Sarah -100 1 1 / 0
4225. Morgan Ryan -100 2 0 / 2
4226. Peterson Rebecca -101 47 25 / 22
4227. Hon Priscilla -101 18 6 / 12
4228. Tavilla Riccardo -101 4 1 / 3
4229. Britez Risso Leyla Fiorella -101 3 2 / 1
4230. Sharabura Kate -101 4 0 / 4
4231. Singla Renne -101 4 0 / 4
4232. Fernández Lya -101 4 0 / 4
4233. Salem Malaka -101 3 2 / 1
4234. Lahey Ashley -102 26 13 / 13
4235. Wong Hong Yi Cody -102 24 15 / 9
4236. Avdeeva Valeria -102 8 1 / 7
4237. Davies Will -102 4 1 / 3
4238. Iglupas Khim -102 4 1 / 3
4239. Johann Lars -102 6 2 / 4
4240. Soto Matias -102 14 7 / 7
4241. Bloot Maria Luisa Cusma -102 4 1 / 3
4242. Sugita Yuichi -103 19 4 / 15
4243. Radanovic Dejana -103 7 4 / 3
4244. Dart Harriet -103 50 24 / 26
4245. Myneni Saketh -103 9 7 / 2
4246. Sweeny Dane -103 79 54 / 25
4247. Borovinskaya Anna -103 6 2 / 4
4248. Hernandez Serrano Juan Alejandro -103 52 31 / 21
4249. Alvarado Berrospi Alberto Odiseo -103 5 1 / 4
4250. Harvey Kacie -103 9 3 / 6