Betting ranking

In our betting ranking, players are ranked by how profitable it was to bet on them in a certain period of time. The number next to the player's name shows his/her profit or loss on the assumption that we have placed a bet on every single match. The stake is always 100 units if the player is a favourite/even, 50 units if the player is an outsider.

Year:    Ranking:    Time range:
Rank Player name Profit / loss Matches Fav. / out.
3951. Haseth Anna Sofia -100 2 0 / 2
3952. Mujakic Alen -100 2 0 / 2
3953. Elias Hanni Facundo -100 2 0 / 2
3954. Vasileiadi Maria -100 2 0 / 2
3955. Antican Gonzalez Bianca Lia -100 2 0 / 2
3956. Mayerova Mia -100 2 0 / 2
3957. Dous Karpenschif Joshua -100 2 0 / 2
3958. Berger Antoine -100 2 0 / 2
3959. Martinez Violeta -100 2 0 / 2
3960. Riessen Hayley -100 2 0 / 2
3961. Khairutdinov Artur -100 2 0 / 2
3962. Masjuan Ginel Pablo -100 2 0 / 2
3963. Kecojevic Mihailo -100 2 0 / 2
3964. Shah Dharmil -100 2 0 / 2
3965. Cline Dylan -100 2 0 / 2
3966. Giersiepen Garcia Markus -100 2 0 / 2
3967. Erenda Sara -100 2 0 / 2
3968. Dilaura Isabella -100 2 0 / 2
3969. Epps Gracie -100 1 1 / 0
3970. Del Olmo Tomas -100 2 0 / 2
3971. Nunez Pureco Magdalena -100 1 1 / 0
3972. Banerjee Samir -100 2 0 / 2
3973. Ntomosso Brasny -100 2 0 / 2
3974. Bross Bastian -100 1 1 / 0
3975. Pavlenko Philipp -100 2 0 / 2
3976. Estevez Varrenti Lola -100 1 1 / 0
3977. Magga Niila Tapio -100 2 0 / 2
3978. Lambrecht Marte -100 2 0 / 2
3979. Meshcheryakova Ksenia -100 2 0 / 2
3980. Mukic Ana -100 2 0 / 2
3981. Petrovskaia Vladislava -100 2 0 / 2
3982. Ramy Kenzy -100 2 0 / 2
3983. Zolotukhina Maria -100 2 0 / 2
3984. Daskalovic Nicholas -100 2 0 / 2
3985. Sabra Farida -100 2 0 / 2
3986. Hope Kelly -100 2 0 / 2
3987. Sicatto Da Silva Laiza -100 2 0 / 2
3988. Zungu Ntokozo -100 2 0 / 2
3989. Ebersohn Henning -100 2 0 / 2
3990. Khalturina Nadezda -100 2 0 / 2
3991. Kurtsikashvili Anamaria -100 2 0 / 2
3992. Delamarre Guillaume -100 2 0 / 2
3993. Ganchev Alex -100 2 0 / 2
3994. Ambrogi Luciano Emanuel -100 2 0 / 2
3995. Piccoliori Alessia -100 2 0 / 2
3996. Hlinkova Patricia -100 2 0 / 2
3997. Cambria Fabrizia -100 2 0 / 2
3998. Parn Desire -100 1 1 / 0
3999. Fumeaux Buenaventura Juan Martin -100 2 0 / 2
4000. Kurz Viktoria -100 2 0 / 2