Basilashvili Nikoloz - profile

Basilashvili Nikoloz 

Basilashvili Nikoloz

Country: Georgia
Height / Weight: 185 cm / 79 kg
Age: 32 (23. 2. 1992)
Current/Highest rank - singles: 504. / 16.
Current/Highest rank - doubles: - / 39.
Sex: man
Plays: right
  • Next match
Tournament Round Start Match H A
 Lyon challenger Q-QF 11.06. --:-- Basilashvili N. - Gomez F.    
Year Round
The player takes part in the tournament for the first time.

Player's record

Year Summary Clay Hard Indoors Grass Not set
Summary: 492/422 183/139 204/177 76/78 22/25 7/3
2024 29/17 18/8 5/5 6/4 - -
2023 4/19 0/5 1/8 3/6 - -
2022 17/32 6/10 3/11 4/7 4/4 -
2021 35/27 8/8 18/11 3/5 6/3 -
2020 4/16 0/6 3/6 0/4 - 1/0
2019 29/24 11/6 15/10 2/5 1/3 -
2018 38/31 18/10 13/10 3/4 4/5 0/2
2017 35/35 9/11 11/14 10/6 1/4 4/0
2016 43/32 19/9 10/11 11/8 1/3 2/1
2015 36/26 11/9 15/8 5/7 5/2 -
2014 43/28 7/11 18/6 18/10 0/1 -
2013 31/28 13/11 14/13 4/4 - -
2012 54/21 37/12 15/6 2/3 - -
2011 18/24 11/10 7/14 - - -
2010 19/25 0/4 17/19 2/2 - -
2009 43/29 14/8 26/19 3/2 - -
2008 13/7 - 13/6 0/1 - -
2007 1/1 1/1 - - - -
Year Summary Clay Hard Indoors Grass Not set
Summary: 45/94 19/42 17/35 6/8 2/5 1/4
2022 3/11 0/5 1/4 0/1 2/1 -
2021 1/10 0/3 1/4 - 0/3 -
2020 0/2 0/2 - - - -
2019 4/11 2/4 2/5 0/2 - -
2018 6/9 1/2 2/4 2/3 - 1/0
2017 0/8 0/3 0/2 - 0/1 0/2
2016 2/3 0/1 2/0 - - 0/2
2015 4/3 4/3 - - - -
2014 7/10 1/5 2/3 4/2 - -
2013 14/15 7/6 7/9 - - -
2012 4/9 4/7 0/2 - - -
2011 0/1 - 0/1 - - -
2009 0/2 0/1 0/1 - - -
No record for this player.
Year Main tournaments Lower level tournaments
2021 2 -
2019 1 -
2018 2 -
2016 - 2
2015 - 2
2014 - 4
2013 - 1
2012 - 5
2009 - 1
Total: 5 15
Year Main tournaments Lower level tournaments
2014 - 1
Total: 0 1
Year Main tournaments Lower level tournaments
No titles
  • Injuries
Start Tournament Reason
01.04.2024 - 22.04.2024  Barletta challenger retired
04.01.2024 - 16.01.2024  Futures 2024 retired
08.05.2023 - 22.05.2023  Rome retired
25.02.2023 - 08.03.2023  Dubai retired
08.01.2023 - 17.01.2023  Adelaide 2 retired
12.07.2022 - 19.07.2022  Bastad retired - right elbow
10.04.2022 - 12.04.2022  Monte Carlo retired - difficulty breathing
05.01.2022 - 12.01.2022  ATP Cup retired - difficulty breathing
13.04.2021 - 19.04.2021  Monte Carlo retired
20.09.2019 - 01.10.2019  Metz retired - right shoulder
10.03.2018 - 22.03.2018  Indian Wells retired - shoulder
26.02.2018 - 01.03.2018  Acapulco retired - right shoulder
16.10.2017 - 21.10.2017  Antwerp retired - right ankle
31.07.2017 - 01.08.2017  Kitzbühel retired - hip
12.04.2016 - 19.04.2016  Sarasota challenger retired - hip
12.05.2015 - 20.05.2015  Bordeaux challenger retired - hip
23.11.2014 - 01.12.2014  Andria challenger retired - groin
25.06.2014 - 09.07.2014  Marburg challenger walkover - right shoulder
01.02.2014 - 16.02.2014  Montpellier retired
28.01.2014 - 01.02.2014  Futures 2014 retired
23.04.2013 - 30.04.2013  Savannah challenger retired - stomach
26.03.2013 - 28.03.2013  San Luis Potosi chall. retired - gastrointestinal illness
05.02.2013 - 23.02.2013  Bergamo challenger retired - flu
22.11.2012 - 04.12.2012  Tyumen challenger retired - illness
13.05.2012 - 15.05.2012  Fergana challenger retired
01.11.2011 - 29.11.2011  Futures 2011 retired
02.10.2009 - 10.10.2009  Sacramento challenger retired
18.02.2009 - 21.02.2009  Futures 09 retired