Cascino Estelle / Khromacheva Irina - profil

Cascino Estelle 

Cascino Estelle

Country: France
Age: 28 (13. 3. 1996)
Current/Highest rank - singles: 1009. / 406.
Current/Highest rank - doubles: 137. / 111.
Plays: right
Khromacheva Irina 

Khromacheva Irina

Country: Russia
Height / Weight: 170 cm / 59 kg
Age: 29 (12. 5. 1995)
Current/Highest rank - singles: 715. / 89.
Current/Highest rank - doubles: 44. / 41.
Plays: left
  • Next match
Tournament Round Start Match H A
 Bari WTA QF 05.06. 10:00 Danil / Khrom - Casci / Dzala 1.30 3.22
Year Round
This doubles team takes part in the tournament for the first time.

Doubles team's record

Year Summary Clay Hard Indoors Grass Not set
Summary: 3/1 3/1 - - - -
2022 3/1 3/1 - - - -
  • Titles
Year Main tournaments Lower level tournaments
No titles